

Novelist. Author of APSARAS and tales from the beautiful Saigh Valley. First person to quantify spiritual values.

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Tuesday 21 June 2011

Ordure, ordure 2

Mr. Speaker:  Charles Fanshawe

Fanshawe (Conservative member for Bustington) : Does the Right Honorable gentleman agree with me that the contract drawn up by the last Government, in the final days of its administration, to build two aircraft carriers, the country cannot afford, in the then Prime Minister's constituency, should be questioned in law? The contract, almost unknown in commercial history, includes  a cancellation clause that, were it to be exercised, would  cost the British  taxpayer more than it would to build the ships ...

Mr. Speaker:  Ordure; ordure. I think the house has got the gist ...

Fanshawe: Shut up you silly man...

Mr. Speaker:  Ordure; ordure ... Sit down!

Fanshawe:  I won't. Does the Prime Minister further agree with me that this profligacy with the taxpayer's money was a gross abuse of power and insomuch as it is against the interests of the country and bearing in mind the economic situation, is tantamount to treason?

Mr. Speaker:  Ordure; ordure

Prime Minister:  I couldn't possibly comment ... Is he still a member-I haven't seen him?

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