

Novelist. Author of APSARAS and tales from the beautiful Saigh Valley. First person to quantify spiritual values.

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Thursday 22 July 2021


 Famously and according to many theologies, eschatology, the end of times describes many tribulations before the second coming of the Messiah, Parousia.

With the planet now in the grip of a multitude of natural disasters, the question of the imminent realisation of these fears needs to be addressed. The planet is warming. Ice caps and glaciers are melting, the Siberian permafrost is releasing massive quantities of carbon into the atmosphere and wild fires threaten massive land areas on every continent. Volcanoes seem to be more active and earthquakes devastate communities around the world. Heavier than ever rainfall creates flooding that demolishes whole communities. There are other natural events that should be noted. The number of species that are becoming extinct is growing. New diseases such as covid and ebola are proliferating adding to the misery of homelessness, starvation and loss of fresh water. Never in my lifetime have I felt so pessimistic about the future faced by my children and grandchildren.

It has happened before, causing diaspora of dispossessed folk migrating into new pastures and often upsetting the residents. This too is happening, causing much of Europe to be wary of the influx of sub saharan africans and middle eastern refugees bringing with them their 'alien' cutures and beliefs. In the Americas, walls have been built to stem the flow of people from the Central countries and Mexico to the US. Wars have started with less provocation.

Are these tribulations those that heve been forecast in antiquity? Or is it simply that nature is playing out its destiny according to the rules of physics. No amount of human behaviour can change this progression. There have been times of heat and ice before as the cyclic nature of the planet evolves but now, technology allows humans to better accommodate the changes. This will not protect everyone, especially the most vulnerable in under developed Countries but is this too, part of nature's plan to stem population growth and protect the viability of the planet. With the global population approaching eight billion is now the time?

Is the second coming imminent or could it be that the theological predictions are no more than a melodramatic description of the old adage that: 'The darkest hour always comes before the dawn'?

Thursday 15 July 2021

Tory Party Attack Lionesses

 Yesterday the Conservative member  for Louth & Horncastle, Victoria Atkins, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Safeguarding, memorably humbled the former leader of Her Majesty's Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn.

"I suspect I am not the only person who has felt a little bit astonished that it is this right honourable member who’s chosen to ask that question about taking immediate action to tackle racism…I am also reminded that a Jewish female MP had to have police protection at his party conference because of fears for her own safety. So I will listen to many, many people about tackling racism. I will work with pretty much anyone. But I must say, I will take a long spoon on which to sup with this particular member.”

Her assured performances at the despatch box, matched by those of Penny Mordaunt, the MP for Portsmouth North, ( see: make these two women the Tory Party's attack lionesses, far superior to anybody in the Labour Party or any others. I can see both of these ladies holding high offices of State. 

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Racism in football

Following the European CHampionship football tournament, there has been widespread outrage at online racist comments against black English footballers. This is regrettable but might have been anticipated. The British public by and large are a tolerant and friendly people but as in many other spheres they are sick to the back teeth of minorities of all colours parading their differences at every opportunity. Taking the kneee at one match might have been a moving gesture but ahead of every match becomes a political issue especially as it was an American, Black Lives Matter, routine. The same applies to Gay Pride marches, rainbow armbands and flags. As a group these people have suffered and have been discriminated against but even they must understand that enough is enough; that people don't want it rammed down their throats.

It has to be understood that all people around the world have a hard-wired inclination to be wary of strangers, preferring the company of family, colleagues and community first. Historically, those who do not fit the mould, including the disabled and insane are vulnerable to discrimination. Even in black communities, albino children were not only killed but ritually so.

Also, inter-tribal killings in Africa, up to the present time, demonstrates a racism far in excess of what we see in the UK today.

I've heard it said that children are not born racist but I suggest that this is simply not true. Every child inherits besides the DNA of its parents but also the character of an ancestor. Depending on who this character was the child could be totally racist, totally amiable and every shade in between, ready to be moulded by the nurturing process.

This parochial feeling persists to this day in many communities, including religious groups, despite the advances of science and civilisation, largely antagonised by uncontrolled economic immigration and a report that 90% of all knife crime in London is committed by black people. The same report said that 74% of people awaiting trial in London were black despite being only 17% of the population.

That the perceived racists are pilloried today is fueling a backlash which is made manifest by this latest outburst of racism on social media.

Friday 9 July 2021

Sanctity of Life bollocks

 Two sisters were found dead recently, victims of a frenzied knife attack by one Danyal Hussein. He had contracted a blood trade with the devil according to which he would kill women in order to win the lottery.

Now, tell me one good reason why this man should survive when two fun loving, law abiding girls have their life brutally ended and their family should suffer a lifetime of grief and misery? Just one? It's no good offering me the 'sanctity of life' answer as it meant absolutely nothing to the perpetrator. A life in prison means a lifelong obligation to feed, clothe roof and provide healthcare at the taxpayer's expense making them victims too. NO! Execute the man and offer the opportunity to pull the trigger to one of the relatives. 

Who wants to share the planet with one such as Hussein and others like him? WHO? 

Bring back the death penalty for such heinous murders.

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Creeping allure of Socialism

 An item in the blog, Guido Fawkes highlights a trend in the UK young that ought to set alarm bells ringing.

It brought to mind the old adage about great families: that one generation built the wealth, the second enjoyed it and the third, squandered it. Does this apply to Countries and perhaps, Empires.

The UK has certainly grown since the second world war, the UK has not been under direct threat (ignoring the IRA), businesses have grown, the population are living longer (Ignoring covid) and the arts are flourishing. (Again ignoring covid). Before covid we might have been excused for thinking that we lived in a golden age.

Then came wokism and the idea that all that created the new world was based on racism and misogyny; that we should be ashamed of any nationalism, embarrassed by our history and it was, therefore, our duty to adhere to 'diversity' and 'levelling up'.

This report suggests that the next generation, ignorant of the price of socialism, will fritter away not only the wealth of the nation but also its good name, There will be no army nor police to protect from anarchy. No meat will be eaten by command of the eco-warriors and power will be rationed as wind turbines fall still in the changed climate. The austere life will not be lightened by comedy for fear of offending nor can solace be found in Churches too cowed by minorities to follow the teachings of their Gods. Ambition and advancement will be dirty words suggesting that some are better than others; that we are not born equal. Science must be fettered lest it arrests the race to the bottom as the truth only counts if it fits the woke agenda.

I could go on but it is too depressing to contemplate. Let us hope that a whiff of common sense will fall on the Government and the young of today are made aware of their duty and contribution to society by hard work, honesty, thrift and pride in their Country. It should be a case of: 'not what can the nation do for me but, rather, what can I do for the Nation'.